dabeef website

dabeef is an alternative to steakhouse restaurants, with a selection of street food, burgers and steaks, offering a special dining experience.

An interesting project in which I was able to highlight my skills as a front-end developer.

Link: dabeef.ro
Directed by: ArtFlow
Client: dabeef
Year: 2019

My contribution on the project:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Js
  • GSAP

Web Crazy Smooth Animations

The animations on the website were created with the help of the GreenSock javascript library, which solves countless browser inconsistencies, giving the user a unique and interactive browsing experience.

Mobile friendly

The website is based on a clean and responsive HTML & CSS code, being compatible with all desktop and mobile browsers.

Responsive layout

A short preview that shows how responsive the website is.

Thank you for watching!

Looking for custom animations for your website?

Let me know what you have in mind

Contact me

Old Portfolio Website

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Link: alex-soare.com
Year: 2017

My contribution on the project:

  • Design
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Js
  • GSAP

Web Crazy Smooth Animations

The animations on the website were created with the help of the GreenSock javascript library, which solves countless browser inconsistencies, giving the user a unique and interactive browsing experience.

Mobile friendly

The website is based on a clean and responsive HTML & CSS code, being compatible with all desktop and mobile browsers.

Responsive layout

A short preview that shows how responsive the website is.

Thank you for watching!

Looking for custom animations for your website?

Let me know what you have in mind

Contact me